Certificate in Reflexology

This Certificate in reflexology course is beneficial for both individuals and professionals, including health coaches, personal trainers, fitness instructors, healers, massage therapists, and more. Certificate in reflexology course covers various aspects like foot reflexology, hand reflexology, Sujok therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure, acupuncture, reflexologia podal, reflexologie plantair, lymphatic drainage massage, drainage lymphatique, reflexion plantaire, hot stone massage therapy, cupping therapy, gua sha, vacuum therapy, Auriculotherapy, ear seed, ear seeding, auriculoterapia, Moxa Moxibustion, Bach Flower Remedies, Enneagram, Thai Massage therapy, Ayurveda, massotherapie, facial massage, sports massage, herbal medicine, and Holistic Medicine, among others.

Certificate in Reflexology
Certificate in Reflexology

Course Content:

  • Hand Reflexology Points and Techniques
  • Foot Reflexology Points and Techniques
  • Plan and conduct a full reflexology treatment for all common conditions.
  • Establish a reflexology center with good therapeutic environment.
  • Understand legal, ethical, and other professional components.
  • Get knowledge and understanding of human body, reflexology theory, and concepts.
  • Identify and palpate anatomy concordant with safe and effective clinical practice.
  • Use a range of reflexology diagnostic and treatment skills to a safe and professional standard to treat common ailments.




4 to 8 weeks

Open to All

5 Days/Weeks

Certificate in Reflexology

Career opportunity

Certificate in reflexology – Reflexology stands as a prominent complementary therapy due to its remarkable benefits in stress reduction and its effectiveness in alleviating common health concerns, including chronic pain and digestive problems.

Research has demonstrated that reflexology can be particularly beneficial:

  • In helping cancer patients by reducing pain and nausea.
  • For pregnant women, where it can decrease pain levels and shorten the duration of labor.

However, the advantages of reflexology extend beyond these cases. Many individuals seek out reflexologists to address various common ailments, such as:

  • Structural discomfort in areas like the neck, back, hips, and abdomen.
  • Foot pain.
  • Conditions like headaches, migraines, and insomnia.
  • Digestive issues.
  • Chronic sinus problems and sinus congestion.
  • Circulatory problems.
  • Respiratory system concerns, including chronic cough, asthma, and allergies triggered by environmental factors.
  • Addressing energetic blockages and releasing trauma stored in the body.
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